The Tape List Registry

I am leaving this up as a curiosity and/or homage to days past.
My taping and trading days have long past.
Even the audio component list is wrong/outdated.
Although I do remain a music lover and an audiophile

I am in the process of transferring my dats to cdr as I believe it is a more stable format ( cross fingers knock wood throw salt over shoulder ) so all dats can be traded as cdrs and vice versa if you prefer. If you wish to trade my list is the first link on my list of links. The first list will be CDR than DAT then video.I will not be trading analog anymore, however if you are new to trading I will be glad to spin tapes for B+P CHECK MY B AND P FAQ .The majority of my tapes are very listenable and I have a decent playback system all my components are listed below.... MOST of the generation info I have listed is accurate if I don't know I dont know ya know.If you can deal with all this insanity then we can probably get along .Just in case you are an audiophile as well this is my current system:Upgraded and Modified COUNTERPOINT SA 3000>Upgraded and Modified Dynaco mark III,s ( tube monoblocks ) >Apogee stages wired with homebrew biwire, source components are: Pro-ject 1.2 turntable with GRADO REFERENCE CARTRIDGE/Carver sda 490t tubed cd player/nad 4150 tuner/  Harman Karden td392 3head deck //sony dtc 700 dat >sony dtc 670 dat/phillips consumer burner 870/audio alchemy dde 1.2 (digital to analog converter)  hp 8200 usb burner   HAVE FUN AND "LET IT GROW"

my tape list and other goodies : my tape list :tour memories : tape covers we sold on tour ( full size) :B AND P FAQ
toms hardware : good computer info good info one of the original audiophile publications
tnt-audio: links to more links on line zine

w rat



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